Bruno Bug

Bruno Bug


Bruno BuG aka “IllBuGgoso” is a ‘96 MC from Bisceglie (BAT). Part of the Mondi Sotterranei crew with Spark and DJ Scandalo, he released an EP as Lucio Loop with another funny trap project called “Fakes” with DJ Scandalo (Scrausalo) and Pan (Don Pappòn).
He distinguished himself with freestyle, winning several battles, worth to mention:
Mic Tyson (Milano), Tecniche Perfette Puglia, Fight Club (Rome), Black Sunday (Naples), King Kontest (Bologna).
He also performed live across the country, sharing the stage with artists like Onyx, Inoki, Bassi Maestro, Tormento, Rancore, Murubutu, Kaos One, Colle Der Fomento and many others.