Armond WakeUp

Armond WakeUp


Armond WakeUp is best known as a gifted Christian Hip Hop lyricist who has been called to minister the message of Christ through music. Armond wrote his first rhyme at age seven and has been performing in front of audiences since third grade. After taking some time off from performing, a close friend’s suicide inspired Armond to pursue music seriously. Since then, he has been prolific in his music creation. Armond has numerous independent albums to his credit including 12 music projects since 2011 alone. In 2016, Armond signed with Illect Recordings and is scheduled to release his album, Even If I Lose, in January 2018.

In addition to hip hop, Armond’s tenacity and drive has opened doors for him to create as a writer, vlogger and amateur filmmaker. A co-host of weekly podcast “Clock Radio Speakers”, Armond is able to uniquely blend his knowledge of hip hop and his walk as a believer of Christ as a culture critic. An average of 15,000 unique listeners per month tune in to hear Armond and longtime collaborator Doc, examine hip hop and social issues from dynamically different perspectives.

Armond’s creative outlets are heavily influenced by his diverse, traumatic and triumphant personal experiences. As a ‘military brat’, Armond has roots in California, Missouri, Hawaii, Colorado and Ohio. An Air Force veteran himself, Armond served in Japan and Washington state and now supports veterans through work with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Outside of work, he ministers at Advance Church Columbus via several auxiliaries including youth, men, media and activism. Always seeking to expand his reach, Armond is the founder of an apparel brand called KairosCulture and is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Armond, the father to two amazing children, says all he really wants is to ‘die empty’ and to “be thelight in a dark world”.