Francisco Soriano

Francisco Soriano


Francisco Soriano is a director & cinematographer who’s directed music videos for artists such as Frank Ocean, K'naan, Duck Sauce, Ezra Furman & The Harpoons, and others.

Soriano is a frequent Frank Ocean collaborator. In 2013, Soriano directed the music video for “Lost,” from Ocean’s 2012 album channel ORANGE, and the visuals from Ocean’s You’re Not Dead world tour, featuring the song “Memrise.” In 2016, Soriano served as the director of photography & video editor for Ocean’s visual album Endless, and he is listed in the album credits for Blonde, in the “Special Thanks” section; Soriano also contributed photography to Oceans’s Boys Don’t Cry magazine, in a piece by Federico Aliprandi titled “Ed aka the Sloth” on pages 304–309.