


“Badge” was written by guitar legend Eric Clapton, in collaboration with The Beatles guitarist, George Harrison, and started its life without a proper title.

Harrison had scribbled ‘bridge’ to indicate where the bridge of the song would begin on his hand-written sheet music, and as Clapton couldn’t read George’s handwriting, he thought it said “Badge.” The two laughed about it, and consequently, the title stuck.

The lyrics themselves are not intended to make sense; many of them were taken from drunken conversations Harrison had with Ringo Starr.

Although it was officially a Cream song, the songwriting credits list both Eric Clapton and George Harrison. Due to contractual reasons however, George Harrison is credited under the pseudonym L'Angelo Misterioso, and it is believed that Harrison played on the track as in return for Clapton playing on The Beatles' track “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”.