Absolutely Curtains

Absolutely Curtains

Pink Floyd

The closer to Pink Floyd’s Obscured By Clouds album, “Absolutely Curtains” can be divided into two parts:

  • the first one is an atmospheric instrumental piece by Pink Floyd
  • the second one is a traditional Oceanian chant, reflecting La Vallée’s setting, this album being the film’s soundtrack.

The title is a pun on the phrase “absolutely certain”.

In the film, the two parts of the song come at very different points:

  • the Oceanian chant part can be heard rather early into the film, when Viviane and Olivier visit a missionary to ask him for rare feathers
  • the instrumental part is the last piece of music heard before the end of the film, as the six travellers reach the summit of a mountain and eventually see the titular valley they were trying to reach, covered in a dense layer of clouds.