Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid

Dia Frampton

Dia on her blog:

“Picture a sunshine man. A happy, go lucky, creative, funny person with blonde hair and bright eyes. His name is Isom Innis. He is the keyboard player for Foster the People. I met Isom a few years ago, way before "The Voice.” We got together from time to time and wrote songs and chatted and created. He’s just overall an inspiring person/musician to be around. When it came time to write for the album, I called him up. “Let’s get together and write! Let’s just see what happens.” I went over to his cozy apartment in Silver lake, CA. He said, “Come in, come in…I’m just..uh, working on a track…it’s like a spaghetti western…reminds me of cowboys,sit, want water? Ya good? Check it out…” Isom gets really REALLY excited over music (which is why he’s awesome to work with) and kind of reminds me of a mad scientist when working on songs. He played me an intro to a song he had been working on. There was no melody or lyrics. He started dancing around the room with his guitar, playing the song really loud and yelling over it, “I think we could add in some really cool tambourine here!” And then he’d pick up an acoustic guitar and start dancing again. I sat down on his couch, opened up my journal, and started writing away. It did remind me of a western….I thought back on my favorite movies. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Clint Eastwood. Doc Holliday. Calamity Jane. Kit Carson the sharpshooter. I started dancing too on the couch and started writing a story….. I love writing stories. We recorded vocals that night in Isom’s living room (same vocal tracks on the actual record. Sometimes the “demo” vocal is the best!) Then we wrote a chorus which made our feet wanna move. We gave it a few weeks, thought on it. Isom showed it to Mark Foster while they were on tour together. He had a great idea for the chorus and also added some fun instrumentation. It was a pleasure to work with them. This song was….fun to write…and now fun to listen to while I’m dancing in my car and almost crashing into the poor lady next to me. "