The 10th song on Cannibal Ox’s The Cold Vein is a posse cut featuring C-Rayz Wals (also a Def Jux fellow) and L.I.F.E. Long

Every verse is a description about how the battle unfolds, on the MCs preparing for an imaginary war and spitting battle rap verses.

The recurring motif is the protection of Asgard, which in Norse mythology is the home of the Æsir, the main pantheon of the Norse religion and the kingdom of the god Odin.

Conceptually, the song is an allusion to Ragnarök, an event in germanic mythology which is akin to the Apocalypse in the christian culture. In the events of the Ragnarök, where some of the most well known gods dies (such as Odin, Thor, Loki and Heimdallr, to name a few), Asgard ends destroyed.