Picture to Burn

Picture to Burn

Taylor Swift

“Picture to Burn” is an angsty breakup song about Jordan Alford, who went on to date, and later marry, one of Taylor’s former friends named Chelsea. Chelsea told Daily Mail:

[Jordan and I] just thought it was funny. [Jordan] was like, ‘I’m not a redneck! She makes me look like some redneck!’ but other than that we just thought it was kind of funny. […] [After I began dating him, Taylor and I] exchanged a few words over a locker fight. We were 14, we were just being girly, snarky.

The song is the fourth single from Swift’s debut album and peaked at #3 on Billboard’s US Hot Country Songs. The track’s music video featured Taylor’s high school best friend Abigail Anderson, who she wrote “Fifteen” about.