In Remission

In Remission

The Menzingers

“In Remission” is one of the leading singles on Rented World. Its musical structure is rather disjointed, with no real chorus and a false ending. This is also reflected in the song’s lyrical thread — each section of the song seems to touch on scattered themes. However, “In Remission” does have an overarching theme : that of addiction, a common theme in The Menzingers' discography.

Through these disconnected anecdotes, Greg Barnett runs the listener through his alcohol addiction and its causes : intense anxiety, existentialist fear of death, general instability and a certain sense of guilt.

As pictured here in Barnett’s lyric notebook, the draft for the first section of the song originally included a third “verse”.

The only proof of places I have been are souvenirs from bargain bins
Darling do you want my jacket? ‘Cause it’s so cold outside
What’s the benefit to getting older? Just to get a job to pay for your child support