


A song touching on Radiohead’s relationship with the media and their critics, and how fame affected what they set out to achieve.

It is permeated by a dirty, aggressive riff with heavy percussion, while Yorke’s lyrical delivery portrays elements of anguish, with moments of confusion and hesitation.

Yorke is comparing certain people involved in the critical reception of the band’s work, and the perception of their work in the public eye, with rabbits suffering from the viral infection “myxomatosis”. In a 2003 feature interview with Spin magazine Thom explains the story behind myxomatosis.

I remember my parents pointing out all these dead rabbits on the road when I was a kid. I didn’t know that much about the virus, or even how to spell it, but I loved the word. I loved the way it sounded. The song is actually about mind control. I’m sure you’ve experienced situations where you’ve had your ideas edited or rewritten when they didn’t conveniently fit into somebody else’s agenda and then, when someone asks you about those ideas later, you can’t even argue with them because now your idea exists in that edited form.

Alternative Title: “Myxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner)”