And The Ass Said To The Angel: Wanna Play Kick To Kick?

And The Ass Said To The Angel: Wanna Play Kick To Kick?


The first part of the title may be a reference to the Biblical story (Numbers 22.22-35) of Balaam and his Donkey. Enemies of the Israelites paid money to a sorcerer named Balaam so that he would call a curse on God’s people. The Lord spoke to Balaam but Balaam did not obey. As Balaam and his donkey travelled along a road, an angel blocked the path of the donkey. When Balaam beat the donkey, God caused the donkey to talk to its owner. Finally, Balaam saw the angel and realized what had happened. He ended up blessing the Israelites instead of cursing them.

Kick-to-kick is a pastime and well-known tradition of Australian rules football fans, and a recognised Australian term for kick and catch type games.