A Hymn To God The Father

A Hymn To God The Father

John Donne

This is one of Donne’s most famous and popular religious poems. It is entitled ‘Hymn’, but it is not one of praise. Instead it is nearer to a debate with God in which Donne faces what we would now call his inner demons.

It is a relatively straightforward poem to understand, unlike his more complex works which involve deciphering elaborate metaphysical conceits. Yet it is nonetheless complex, cleverly crafted, with subtle use of repetition and ambiguous meanings. For example, the frequent repetition of ‘done’ could be a pun on his own name, a homophone. Donne frequently used puns and famously said, after landing in trouble when he married his employer’s daughter, Anne Moore, ‘John Donne, Anne Donne, un-done.

The poem comprises three stanzas of six lines each, each stanza identically structured. The metrical rhythm is iambic pentameter, that is with five metrical feet or iambs per line, where a iamb consists of one unstressed followed by one stressed syllable. The exception is the last line of each stanza, which comprises four equally-stressed syllables that may be defined possibly as spondees. These have heavy emphasis, because of their importance to the overall theme.

The characteristic that makes this hymn-like is the repetition, notably the first lines of each stanza are almost identical, as are the last lines. This device is known as anaphora. The variations provide rational progression leading to the concluding resolution.

The strong, emphatic tone is reinforced by the end-stopped lines, creating a choppy, assertive rhythm.

The rhyme scheme is ABABAB, identical in each stanza, another example of Donne’s skilled craftsmanship.

Language and Imagery
The voice is that of the speaker, almost certainly the poet, using the first person singular pronoun ‘I’, and addressing God as ‘thou’. There is a blithe familiarity about this; note that ‘thou’ isn’t capitalised. Engaging God in a question-and-answer discussion is unusual, though we aren’t given God’s reply if there were any. In the first two stanzas lines one and three rhyme and are syntactic parallels, with very similar grammatical construction. The result is rhythmic and memorable.

One notable metaphor appears in stanza two, where a door represents the boundary through which Donne passes towards sin. Stanza three cites the ‘shore’ on which, one assumes, he is washed up and will ‘perish’.

For deeper analysis see the detailed annotations.

What Does Metaphysical Mean?
The word ‘meta’ means ‘after,’ so the translation of ‘metaphysical’ is ‘after the physical.’ Metaphysics deals with questions that can’t be explained by science, and explores the nature of reality in a philosophical way.

Common metaphysical questions include the following:
•Does God exist?
• What is the difference between reality and perception?
•Is everything that happens already predetermined? If so, then is free choice non-existent?
•Is consciousness limited to the brain?

Of course, there is no one correct answer; Metaphysics is about exploration and philosophy, not about science and mathematics.

One common characteristic is that Metaphysical poetry is clever and witty. The poets examined serious questions with humour and inventiveness.

Metaphysical poetry also sought to shock and challenge the reader; to question the unquestionable. The poetry often mixed ordinary speech with intellectual paradoxes and puns. The results were strange, comparing unlikely things, such as lovers to a compass or the soul to a drop of dew. These bizarre comparisons were called ‘conceits’.

Metaphysical poetry also explored a few common themes — religion; the theme of carpe diem (seize the day) and the nature of humanity and emotions.