Altar of Sacrifice

Altar of Sacrifice


The song is infamous for being the alleged reason behind the 1995 gruesome murder of 15-year-old Elyse Pahler when 3 teenagers lured her out of her home with the promise of marijuana then killed her in San Luis.

In March 1996, Casey (One of the teenagers) stepped forward to confess to the murder and even helped authorities locate Pahler’s body. Casey went on to claim that Elyse’s murder was a satanic sacrifice of a virgin, inspired by song ”Altar of Sacrifice” especially the lyric ”High priest awaiting dagger in hand/Spilling the pure virgin blood.”

As a result, a lawsuit was filed by David and Lisanne Pahler (her parents) against Slayer and their label at the time, Columbia Records, as well as the parents of their daughter’s killers.