Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Katy Perry

Hudson explained the meaning of the song on her site in 2001.

“I think this is what kids want to say, like it’s their anthem. I think they don’t like being written off as if they didn’t know much about God or what they really believe in. Sometimes older people can easily stereotype this generation because of what it has been told–basically, the lies that say we aren’t any good, or all we will do is drugs and get into a bunch of trouble. It’s not true. I haven’t ever seen an age limit on who God can use. I don’t have it all figured out, but for me, I want to share what I know, and give everything I have been given, because that is my calling.”
The song was inspired by Queen, one of Katy Perry’s favorite bands, and the song was supposed to have some elements of Queen’s song “Bohemian Rhapsody”.