93 Ave. B Blues

93 Ave. B Blues


93 Ave B. is the address of a building in New York City around the area where Michael Gira lived during the early 80s. He talks about it in a Rolling Stone Interview, “I lived on 6th Street and Avenue B – was mostly abandoned buildings, gunfire every night; machine-gun fire, in fact. Some buildings were just piles of rubble. Other buildings taken over by dope dealers and were mainly places to sell heroin. Lots of crime. It was a much different city than what it is now.”

With an Interview with Perfect Sound Forever, when asked if there was a story behind it, Michael Gira responded:

[laughs] Sort of. That started out as this improv thing we used to do as an encore on the last tour, it is uncharacteristic for us, but I liked it quite a bit. 93 Ave B is the place where I lived with Jarboe from 1981 to 1992. That’s where Swans rehearsed for its whole New York tenure, so that was like placing a name on [the song] that had some sentimental resonance and also was referring to this improv piece on the Stooges' Funhouse album called “L.A. Blues.“ (The building) no longer exists. The whole building’s been gutted and now it’s some fancy restaurant, but at the time it was not fancy [laughs]. It was called a bunker for a reason. [People who practiced santeria] used to put little bags with chicken feet and some other kind of hex. I went to a local botanica and the lady there told me it was curse for me. It must have worked [laughs]. That space used to be a Puerto Rican Pentecostal church where santeria intermingled with it. I don’t know how. Hearing our music coming out of the space must have bummed people out a lot because it was very loud on the street when we played [laughs]. The upstairs neighbor wasn’t too pleaser either.