Daddy’s Li’l Girl

Daddy’s Li’l Girl

Bikini Kill

Off Bikini Kill’s first release, the [Revolution Girl Style Now cassette].

In an interview with Mark Anderson, singer Kathleen Hanna said:

I’ve had so many people come to me with stories of sexual abuse and being battered by their parents. People talking about sexual abuse and getting beat up and emotional abuse in their houses is so important, and making bands around that issue is, to me, the new punk rock–can be the new punk rock. And I want to encourage people…to break their silence. I’m really interested in a punk rock movement–an angry girl movement–of sexual abuse survivors…I seriously believe that the majority of people in this country have stories to tell that they aren’t telling for some reason. I mean, with all that energy and anger, if we could unify it in some way–"

(quoted in Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution by Sara Marcus, P. 91)