Demon Days

Demon Days


The title and ending track off Gorillaz' 2005 album, Demon Days.

The album talks a lot about negative aspects of modern life, from the Iraq War and global pollution, to the plastic nature of an overly monetized music industry. It represents today’s era as being the “Demon Days”.

This track is a really uplifting end. It’s making the case that although things are bad, there is always time to recognize the evils of the world and improve your life.

From the Gorillaz biography Rise of the Ogre;*
“The light at the end of the tunnel, the dawn after the longest night of the soul. Based around the same chords as ‘Don’t Get Lost…“, allowing the two songs to become one glorious crescendo, a real musical climax that guides the listener into a far more optimistic climate.”

Noodle: “As with the previous track, the vocal harmonies were provided by the London Community Gospel Choir. This is the final relief; the hope, the rapture and the reward for the journey.”

2D (reflective and thoughtful): “You remember when you were a little kid and you would look at the clouds in the sky as the sunlight bounced off them. And something that simple would make you feel a part of everything and all alone at the same time. And that feeling’s not something you can ever put into words so you spend your whole life chasing it; making music, taking pictures, painting… whatever in the hope that other people will understand that sense or… feeling. As creative entities we look for signs of life outside ourselves for a connection to… alleviate the sense of solitude. That’s why we all do what we do. whether we know it of ourselves or not.”