“Aal Izz Well” is a song from the 2009 Bollywood comedy 3 Idiots, which stars Aamir Khan. The movie delves into the toxic grind culture and subsequent mental health issues widespread at top Indian universities. In this song, goofy genius Rancho (the protagonist, played by Khan) leads his fellow stressed-out and tired engineering students in a song and dance routine, reminding them that they can always whistle and shout “all is well” to cheer themselves up.

To explain the phrase, Rancho shares the story of how in his hometown, the night watchman would shout “all is well” every night, reassuring all the villagers and allowing them to sleep well. It’s only after a robbery happens that the villagers realize that the watchman has poor night vision and has been saying “all is well” without necessarily telling the truth; yet, the act of saying it, Rancho shares, is enough to calm down.