Any Other World

Any Other World


In contrast with the more upbeat, tongue-in-cheek songs on the album, this song is of a quite serious nature and differs significantly in tempo.

Mika said of this song:

There is a little spoken introduction that many people may miss. It’s about a family friend of mine who lost her eye during the war in Lebanon and I realized in everyone’s life their comes one point, or several points where something happens and you have to completely change the way you have lived your life because of one event. And it really makes you readjust and rethink and rejudge parts of your life all over again.

The song addresses the fact that however hard we might try to mold life to our expectations, some things just happen, possibly due to ‘the bitter man’ who is in control of our lives. This might refer to a higher power.

For fans of CBS’s The Good Wife, this is a notable song as it played in the final six minutes of the Season 2 finale. The song is also used in the commercial for Armani’s ‘Si’ perfume.