Beautiful War

Beautiful War

Kings of Leon

An atmospheric, mid-tempo ballad which, with its sterling, confident Caleb vocals, sibling harmonies, and understated power, seems destined to be a classic and a mainstay in the KOL setlist.

“That song was written years ago, the same weekend I wrote ‘Use Somebody,’” Caleb says. “It was a slow, country song. Angelo had a bunch of notes, reminders of what songs were, and he had one that said, ‘what is this?’ I started strumming it on acoustic and playing it, and the guys listened and thought it was great. They had heard it for years, they just didn’t realize it, and as soon as everybody picked up their instruments, it completely transformed from a slow country song, to a tempo, as soon as Jared started I was like, That. Feels. Awesome.‘ That song came together pretty quickly, too, and it’s definitely a song that I’m very proud of.”