I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel (II)

I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel (II)


The dismal, heavy-hearted yet deterministic “I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel II” is the second installment in the fan-favorite EP series, following the first “I No Longer Fear the Razor Guarding My Heel”. It was released on Halloween in 2015.

It features three songs—consistent with all of the other releases in the series—all played as one song.

The subject matter within this EP is largely consistent with the majority of their discography, focusing on their drug abuse, addiction and their current emotions as well as their state of depression. On the final song of the EP, “CLYDE (I Hope At Least One of My Ex-Girlfriends Hears This)”, the subject matter turns toward their floundered relationships, and the disdain it has caused them.