This song is Track 7 on CD-1 of Gang Related Soundtrack Album released 1997. The song has a 1st time appearance from Southern based rapper ‘'Tenkamenin’‘ now known as ’‘Tha Realest’‘. He occupies the 1st Verse and Chorus with a Flow and sound of Tupac Shakur’s. Often compared to Tupac, Tha Realest is known for his Copying of Tupac’s Character/Look and Sound, Perfect example on this track, to some it’ll be difficult to tell the difference between Mr. Shakur and Tenkamenin. J-Flexx is the Prime artist on this song, Rapping about Society and the unfair government. Exposing the reality and lies given to us. Produced by QDIII (Son of Quincy Jones) The song was Released on Death Row Records.
Hellrazor on R U Still Down? also samples this track.