Battle w/Busy Bee (Harlem World, 1981)

Battle w/Busy Bee (Harlem World, 1981)

Kool Moe Dee

Often viewed as the rap battle that changed rap forever, it saw Kool Moe Dee going directly at rival emcee Busy Bee at the Harlem World Christmas celebration in 1981.

In most emcee battles of the time, the competing emcee would say his rhymes to the crowd, brag about his skills, and the winner would be chosen based on how much noise the crowd made for a particular emcee.

Kool Moe Dee changed this by taking aim directly at Busy Bee and his old, disco, party-rocking rhyme style. In short, Kool Moe Dee brought a new rapping style and obliterated Busy Bee in the battle.

Interestingly, you can hear Busy Bee on the track saying “Shut up! Shut up!” as Moe Dee rips into him and his style-biting, rhyme-buying, and general bad rapping skills.


for additional commentary from Moe Dee and LA Sunshine.