Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Allie X

“Old Habits Die Hard” is a song about slipping back into a familiar pattern and succumbing to an old love. Originally released on February 3rd, 2016, “Old Habits Die Hard” was hinted as the first taste of Allie X’s second album CollXtion II.

The song was rereleased in a new form on June 9th, 2017 with CollXtion II. The album version was remixed by Billboard—with updated production and additional vocals—in order to “knock a little harder” and fit with the minimalist production of the album.

“Old Habits Die Hard” is an xpression of this action: laughing at your own weakness as it seduces you one more time. It’s a cruel reality when you believe you’ve overcome an addiction, just to find that it still has you by the throat. I tried to keep the language of the lyric conversational, because ‘old habits die hard’, the saying itself, has a jest in it’s undertone (like so many idioms do) that seems to justify/celebrate that self destructive moment when you just… give up.
-Allie X