Ram and Kurt have the house for themselves after their fathers leave for a fishing trip, roughing their sons up in a similar fashion to the way their sons treat the kids at school. With his folks gone, Ram starts the party, which quickly grows out of control as Veronica gets increasingly drunk. Martha shows up, thinking Ram invited her because of the note, in hopes of discovering he likes her as much as she likes him, only to be cruelly rebuffed. The Heathers try to prank her dressing up a pig-shaped piñata to resemble her, but Veronica stops them and throws the piñata in the pool. After the song, she resigns from the Heathers, but Heather Chandler refuses to allow her to walk away, threatening to ruin her social life. In response, the inebriated Veronica vomits on Heather’s shoes, enraging her, and the students turn their backs on her, afraid of Heather.

The song is supposed to be a cliché of how most teenagers parties are depicted in media, with lots of alcohol, drugs and sex-drived teenagers. Veronica wanted to be a part of this, but decides this isn’t for her when she discovers the price for being popular is betraying the friend who liked her before she became ‘someone’.

The name could also be a reference to the line in the original movie.

The number one song in America today is “Teenage Suicide (Don’t Do It)” by Big Fun

The song was written and produced for the film by musician Don Dixon, and performed by the ad hoc group “Big Fun”, which consisted of Dixon, Mitch Easter, Angie Carlson and Marti Jones. The song is included on Dixon’s 1992 greatest hits album “(If) I’m A Ham, Well You’re A Sausage”.