Sleep Without You

Sleep Without You

Brett Young

On his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” Brett Young sings about something he absolutely needs in the bedroom. It’s nothing sexual—just his special lady sleeping by his side, keeping things nice and cozy. In an interview with The Boot, Young explained how this song came about:

I had been in LA visiting family and friends, listening to pop radio, and I heard all these songs in a row about a dude trying to sleep with a girl. I thought, “There has to be a sweet twist on that subject, somehow.”

Young found it with the help of songwriters Justin Ebach and Kelly Archer, who expanded on some of the California country singer’s real-life romantic experience. Young:

I just started thinking about, my last relationship was six years. We never lived together, but we always did the goodnight phone call or text. When that becomes a habit, you find yourself restless, trying to go to sleep without the goodnight phone call or text.

I thought that was way sweeter than “let’s get busy."