‘Skirrid Hill’ takes its origin from the Welsh, ‘Ysgirid Fawr’ which roughly translates as ‘shattered mountain’. ‘Skirrid’ can also mean ‘divorced or separated’ – the theme is the connotation of something broken down or split away — the natural deterioration and separation of people and things.

Therefore the collection deals with death, separation from one’s family, loss of communication, distancing in relationships. It also deals with the literal physical separation that takes place in the mountain itself; the diminished empathy between humans and nature.

The title of this poem is a pun on ‘father’. The poem explores the relationship between the poet and his father, and also the nature of generations and family inheritance in the emotional and spiritual sense.

This poem refers to the myth that Skirrid Hill was formed at the moment of the crucifixion by God’s grief. Sheers deliberately imbues this with ambiguity, however, as he simply refers to the crucifixion as ‘a father’s grief at the loss of his son to man.’ This refers to the redemptive nature of the Resurrection, but of course at tragic cost.

However, there is another meaning, in that a father may grieve for the ‘loss’ of a small boy to the man he grows into. In other words, parents feel sadness when their children become adults and grow apart from them.

So, in what sense has the poet become ‘lost to man’? This may imply that by leaving his hometown and travelling he is ‘lost’ to the dangers that lurk beyond the safety of the small rural community with a highly specific culture. Or it could simply refer to a child’s loss of innocence and dependency when he grows up.

There is a symmetry in that Sheers is saddened by the thought of his father’s mortality. It is significant that in the order of the published collection this poem occurs directly after ‘Border Country’ in which the poet’s awareness of the ubiquity of death mars his pleasure in life.

This is a pivotal moment in the collection in that it deals most directly and poignantly with the chasm of miscommunication and apprehension between the generations, as if the old and young are different species struggling to understand each other.

In this poem, there is a turning point when the poet says ‘ I felt the tipping of the scales of us, / the intersection of our ages’. Sheers has become ‘the man of the family’ and his father is the frail one .

This is one of the few structured as one unbroken stanza, with uneven line lengths and no regular rhyme scheme. Maybe it reflects the long, uneven walk to the top of the mountain, or it could signify the rare moment between Sheers and his father where they do not feel any sense of separation. The lack of breaks shows the fluidity of emotion.

Language and Imagery
This is a monologue in free, unrhymed verse. The lines are of uneven length to reflect the flow of emotions and the meaning. Skirrid Hill is an extended metaphor for the changing relationship between father and son. The poet begins colloquially in the first-person singular' I don’t know if …‘, then refers in the first-person plural to 'we’, and then addresses his father as ‘you’. This has the effect of growing intimacy as he tells his story of the their fluctuating relationship.