I Should See Memphis

I Should See Memphis

Fleet Foxes

Song about romantic jealousy, breakup, images from that kind of feeling.

Some of the lines in this song function to change the meaning of the corresponding previous line. Seeing many sides / changing one’s mind line by line.

Endless vacation (wheee)
(But) Felt like perdition
Sybarite woman (sensual)
Stood at attention (militaristic, static)
Pacing the basement (contemporary)
Like Cassius in Rome (Ancient)
Or in Kinshasa (Nah, boxing)
“Just let me at him”
Like First Manassas (first battle)
Like Appomattox (last battle)
I’ve got my teeth in it
I won’t let go (could have fooled me, you sound bummed and weak)

A) But I gave you no option
Illusion of choosing (no longer depicting, admitting fault in the breakup)

B) And if you wouldn’t stop them,
Then you just hate losing (voice of inner critic, calling out voice A)

I miss the highway (rather than deal with his problems, subject will retreat into romanticized vision of adventure)
I should see Memphis (let’s go to Tennessee)
She sees it my way (Or maybe Egypt?)
Her and Osiris (God of underworld – to lose oneself in romanticism and not face reality is a death – the subject learns no lesson from the breakup)

Was trying to write a lyric that established a scene or expectation only to have it subverted in the very next line, akin to realizing someone isn’t who you thought you were, a lyric where over the course of it you never stop learning about it