For Sondra (It Means the World to Me)

For Sondra (It Means the World to Me)

Passion Pit

Ostensibly the capstone of the TSOL project, For Sondra combines both thematic and stylistic elements from the rest of TSOL to create a track that starts gentle and lingering, moves to an emotive crescendo, and finishes with a raw, emotive, and deeply personal verse paired with little more than relaxed strumming on an acoustic guitar.

The atmosphere of this song is one of rest, of catharsis, and while a few characteristic flourishes the Passion Pit project is known for are present on the track (namely the fluttering-synth-distorted-choir combo around halfway through), this is a track that would seem remarkably un-Passion Pit if you were looking at the Manners and Gossamer era, lacking that signature saccharine wall of sound that characterizes much of Passion Pit’s early work. It is very possible this was done purposefully to highlight TSOL’s shift in focus to change the idea of a suffering artist behind the name of “Passion Pit” to Michael Angelakos, a real person and creator. This is a message not only found in other TSOL such as “Somewhere Up There” and “To The Otherside”, but was also a focus of Angelakos’s social media use around the time of release.

This song seems to take much influence from Angelakos’s recent non-Passion Pit project titled “Merry Christmas Mr. Fields”, with its use of stripped down use of piano, vocal samples, and guitar. Especially the raw vocals that carry as much emotion and meaning as the lyrics.

However, this song is in a lot of ways the culmination of a trend that started in Kindred – as the thematic content shifted, the tonal signature changed as well, and while the auditory focus moves from from chirpy but complex beats with blink-and-you’ll-miss-it lyrics to this almost minimalistic track, the thematic content shifts from exploring and finding meaning from inside internal chaos (particularly with regards to mental illness and its' friends) to capturing the sense of clarity and discovery that comes with recovery, with understanding, and the capital-R revelation that comes beyond it.