‘Skirrid Hill’ takes its origin from the Welsh, ‘Ysgirid Fawr’ which roughly translates as ‘shattered mountain’. ‘Skirrid’ can also mean ‘divorced or separated’ – the connotation of something broken down or split away — the natural deterioration and separation of people and things.

Therefore the collection deals with death, separation from one’s family, loss of communication, distancing in relationships. It also deals with the literal physical separation that takes place in the mountain itself; the diminished empathy between humans and nature.

This poem will resonate with any reader who has experienced cancer. It describes with great insight the emotions and responses of a woman who is diagnosed and treated for a breast tumour. The experience strengthens and ennobles her. But as usual with Sheers, the poem has significance on several levels.

The title, ‘Amazon’, refers to the Greek mythological tribe of warrior women who fought with bows and arrows. According to the myth they cut off one breast so they could manipulate the bow more easily. They had a reputation for great courage. Even today, a strong, well-built sportswoman, for example, may be described as an Amazon.

Sheers is drawing a parallel between the Amazons of Greek mythology and the woman described in the poem who faces her illness with fortitude. She, like the Amazonians of the ancient world, has her breast removed.

There is also a more tenuous interpretation, a reference to the Amazon Rainforest, from where many cancer-fighting drugs are sourced. The logic is that the woman is attacked by cancer, just as the Amazon Rainforest is attacked and exploited by humans.

Sheers tells the story in four parts, separating the stages with a single asterisk. This is unlike ‘Four Movements in the Scale of Two’ in which virtually the same story is retold. He starts with his favourite three-lined stanza or triplet, moves to couplets, then returns to triplets until the last single-line conclusion. There is no rhyme scheme. The voice is of an omniscient narrator telling the story in the third person.

Language and Imagery
There are threads of imagery running through the poem, for example, darkness and water and the movement of the woman’s arm as if to shoot an arrow. The cancer is always present, though never named specifically, described inventively as the ‘hard C of cruelty’ and the ‘soft c of uncertainty’. The November 5th scene describes the celebration of her cure, with the fireworks compared to ‘the flame’s hot soul’ — a metaphor, one supposes, for the woman’s soul. The dramatic climax comes, however, in the last two lines, where she is described as an ‘Amazon’, stronger because she has come through her ordeal and conquered her illness.