You’re Now Tuning in to 66.6 FM with DJ Rapture (The Hottest Hour of the Evening)

You’re Now Tuning in to 66.6 FM with DJ Rapture (The Hottest Hour of the Evening)


The third and final single off of KILL YOUR$ELF Part XI: The Kingdom Come $aga consists of Ruby and Scrim getting back to their roots of creating, recording, and producing whatever came to mind, regardless of what the “$uicide Sound” is supposed to be.

In an interview with XXL, the boys spoke on this track saying:

It seems like we never get mentioned by the mainstream because they’re scared of us, so we said fuck ’em. whether they say it or not, they know who we are and I would hide from us if I was them too.

Along with announcing an overseas tour over the summer, This track was just the beginning of the songs that would be dropped throughout 2017.