We Find Love

We Find Love

Daniel Caesar

Premiered on Beats 1 radio, “We Find Love” was released as the first part of the two-part EP with the song “Blessed.” “We Find Love” is about the fallout of a relationship that is put back together in “Blessed.”

In the context of the Freudian album, the song is connected thematically to “Loose” with Loose being about the relationship just before and during the breakup, and “We Find Love” being about the aftermath of that same breakup.

In contrast to the turmoil and moody melody on “Loose,” “We Find Love” is sentimental yet positive, bordering on nostalgic. Caesar seems to express unwanted closure. The song seems to express outer peace with the breakup, but the inner turmoil and emotional volatility of Caesar escape at times. Regardless, the song demonstrates appreciation for the love and beauty that can be found in even failed connections.

“We Find Love” has Caesar incorporate gospel influences from his upbringing, previously heard in his EP, Pilgrim’s Paradise.