American Attraction

American Attraction


“So why do they LIE, LIE, LIE?
Money! Money and profits. It’s as simple as that.
It is a necessary lie for their corporate profits. They are treating the planet like it’s a stock that they can short and then make a killing on. And they know that one day it’s all going to come violently crashing to pieces.”
-Jeremy Scahill (“Trump Declares War on the Planet” Intercepted Podcast w/ Jeremy Scahill, March 29, 2017)
The politics of distraction influences people to lose focus on what makes a positive impact on their lives and the world. It encourages people to make choices that are not in their best interest and reduces society’s ability to make progressive change.
The American Fall is our rejection of the harmful distraction. At this crucial moment in history, we must focus on pushing past the status quo to create a better and more just world. We reject the proliferation of exploitation, racism, bigotry and socioeconomic injustice that dominate the policies of Donald Trump, just as we renounce the neoliberal status quo that came before this.
(from the booklet)