I Miss That Feeling

I Miss That Feeling


While making the track list for Yours Conditionally, a couple of songs didn’t seem to fit. One song, I Miss That Feeling, had been giving me trouble for months. The idea for the song came to me after I noticed the way that certain physiological aspects of anxiety could be read as feelings of pleasure when presented as a list, without context. Patrick and I had gone as far as recording and mixing it, but when I listened back, I knew I had gotten it wrong. I scrapped everything except the chorus lyrics which detailed my own experiences with panic attacks and started over. I hoped I Miss That Feeling would be an easy fix and the rest of the EP would take shape around it. Instead each song resolved itself while I Miss That Feeling remained stubbornly incomplete. In the final days of our deadline, feeling enormous pressure, I had a panic attack. Even in the middle of hyperventilating, I thought spiraling into anxiety over a song about anxiety was oddly fitting. Very me. In the end I settled on a kinder approach. I made the minor chords major; I softened things. I made the song a love letter to my constant companion rather than a denunciation of it.