Jared Watson:

That song hit us like a Mack Truck. We were in the studio working on that hook. It just summed up every moment of our career until that time. It is about sacrificing all the things that you don’t think you are sacrificing. You are out there partying and having a goal in mind. You don’t think about family’s birthdays or little things that are very special to people. Sometimes you take things for granted because of the goal at the end. You can be young and dumb and a rock star, but when you get older then you realize you missed a lot.

It is about showing the real side of being a touring musician. People think it’s very glamorous and it’s not. It’s rad and fun, but there’s a side to it that’s super fun. You have to be gone and sacrifice a lot. I don’t think people see that. People want to get rich and famous overnight, but not sacrifice what has to be sacrificed.

This song is a like a thank you to our family and friends.