Fallait pas

Fallait pas

Marwa Loud

Dans ce morceau, Marwa Loud parle d'un homme qui tombe amoureux d'une femme qui fait n'importe quoi pour elle. Elle dit qu'à cause de ses actions, tout le monde, y compris ses amis, est fatigué de son comportement et ne veut pas trainer avec lui.

Même tes potos te reconnaissent plus
Y'a que le barman, qui t’encaisse plus

In this song Marwa is talking about a guy who fell in love with a girl who screwed him over. Even though this guy got screwed over he still hasn’t gotten over her. She’s saying because of his actions everyone, including his friends, have gotten tired of his behaviour and don’t want him around to hang out with. She is also criticizing what he does by using a tone of humour saying things like :

Même tes potos te reconnaissent plus
Y'a que le barman, qui t’encaisse plus

Even the barman doesn’t want to give him anymore drinks
There’s only the barman who cashes more