


“Believe” is the second track on Revival, and Eminem starts rhyming from where he left off on “Walk On Water”.

The track marks Eminem’s first take on a modern trap beat. His flow is slower and more unhurried than on previous tracks and features since his last album, which is notable as it corresponds to a passage on “Walk on Water”, the previous track on the album, where he mentions the public criticism of his rapid and choppy flow on recent works. The slower tempo also imitates the style of contemporary trap music. Yet, Eminem seems to denounce this style with his lyricism, making use of his trademark wordplay and imagery, no matter how corny it might come across.

Contentwise, the song is somewhat a U-turn to the previous song: On “Walk On Water”, Eminem was questioning himself and his ability to create new music that would appeal to his fans, while on “Believe”, he shows confidence and makes clear that he has faith in himself. Yet, throughout the song, one question stands above it all, and Eminem is posing it directly to his fans:

Do they still believe in him?