Camisado is the name of a military technique: a surprise attack occurring at night, or at daybreak, when the enemy is supposed to be asleep.

Panic! guitarist Ryan Ross wrote this about his dad’s battle with alcoholism. It gives an unforgiving view on Ross' father’s inability to deal with his problems. The song depicts his anger through a very vivid representation of the worst aspects of a hospital. In a 2006 Rolling Stone interview, when asked about his father’s opinion on this track, Ross replied:

We haven’t really talked about it [the album] directly. I’m sure that he knows they’re about him, and he hasn’t acted differently toward me, like he’s mad or disappointed. He plays the CD all the time – it’s kind of funny.

Though the song regards his own personal family issues, Ross wants us to discover our own underlying messages in relation to our own lives:

Some of the stuff [in the track] is really personal, and I felt like people didn’t understand what they were singing. There’s not much I can do about that. People take lines and they’ll ask me, “What does this mean?” I don’t really answer them – if it helps them relate to something, I don’t want to take that away.

The sound keeps the rock/pop-punk that’s so prevalent in A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out.