Bring on the Night

Bring on the Night

The Police

“Bring on the Night” is track 4 of 1979’s Reggatta de Blanc. It was originally a song called “Carrion Prince (O Ye of Little Hope)” written three years earlier for Sting’s previous band Last Exit; the title is based off Ted Hughes’s poem “King of Carrion.” When the song was first written it was about Pontius Pilate, but after reading Norman Mailer’s The Executioner’s Song Sting felt the song better suited Gary Gilmore’s death wish and since then:

“I sing it with him in mind.”
- Sting (The Police: L'Historia Bandido, pg. 36)

After Sting left The Police for his solo career, he released both an album and a video titled Bring On The Night. The album is a live performance of his songs, and the video is a documentary of him, as well as several live performances in Paris, France.