

Zeal & Ardor

"Baphomet" is an idol of a deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping and that subsequently was incorporated into the disparate occult and mystical traditions.

In some occult, mystical, or religious traditions, Baphomet is a deity that represents the sum of the entire universe and all its opposing forces.

The classic depiction of Baphomet by Eliphas Levi is that of a goat-headed man (the “Sabbatic Goat” or “Goat of Mendes”) with large, black wings, which is also used as the tarot card image of the Devil.
On his forearms, the words “Solve” (turning solid to liquid) and “Coagula” (from Coagulation, meaning turning liquid into solid) are written; “Solve” and “Coagula” are also songs made by Zeal & Ardor.
“Right hand up, left hand down” refers to the “Sign of Heretism” formed by Baphomets hands, representing the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”.