“Change”, a collaboration with James Taylor, is track number 10 of Voicenotes.
On Instagram, Charlie said:

James Taylor is the reason why I write music. I can’t believe I have a song with him now.

He gave an acoustic sneak peek of the song in a livestream on March 23 and announced the upcoming release for that exact day.
He debuted the song on March 24, 2018 during the “March For Our Lives” event.

It’s about everybody, as humans we all help each other and that song came about through collaboration. So if people at that march on Saturday see me perform that song…hopefully something inspirational will come out of them where they leave that march that day when they leave all that big vibe of inspiration and they’re back in the city life where people are pretty self consumed with what they’re doing, they’re going to take that with them. This is the most important song I ever wrote.