Kevin’s Heart

Kevin’s Heart

J. Cole

In “Kevin’s Heart,” Cole is singing from the stance of a person in love with drugs. Throughout the track, he references taking Xannies and smoking blunts, and relates the use of drugs to potentially cheating on his partner.

The title itself is a reference to actor and comedian Kevin Hart, who admitted to cheating on his wife and mother of his child. The music video of the track prominently features Hart, receiving judgement from people in the public but ultimately recognizing his own mistakes as a growth opportunity. This runs parallel with Cole’s own cheating nature, and also ties into the overall message of the album – to Choose Wisely.

These lines could be a reference to an actual woman that he doesn’t want to cheat on. “She” could also mean the drug that the person may be attempting to sell him as later in the same pre-chorus he says, “If I take this cookie now one day I’ll do the time,” which could literally send him to jail.

The line relates to the title Kids On Drugs as the point of view of the song is someone attempting to stay away from the drugs they had once filled their life with. It also relates to Kill Our Demons because the demon, in this case, would be lust. The person would be attempting to kill the lust within them in an attempt to be loyal to his significant other. Lastly, King OverDosed is about Cole himself. In the past, Cole has referenced his cheating nature on tracks like “She Knows.” Cole is most likely referencing and taking aim at his addiction to cheating in the earlier stages of his life.