Set before all the plot climaxes, One Day More is the song that presents to the viewers the mysteries that loom overhead. The solos from each character also portrays well their different personalities and plots- showcasing their individual motivations. The question posed through it all is about how everything will turn out. Ultimately, this is a song about fate and destiny- as Valjean already introduces in his introduction.
The tension itself is already reading a climax here, and it’s continuously developed throughout this song as well. The title itself suggests that there is something hanging over them, something unknown that is due to happen. Moreover, the clash of priorities and motivations in this song shows us a conflict, adding on to the atmosphere of the song itself.
One Day More is a highly significant song in all the productions of Les Misérables, often being used as promotions and trailers. It is highly iconic, with the many parts being integrated into one song. It is also representative of all the characters and themes in the entire musical: fate and destiny, romance, rebellion, etc. One Day More is also the last song of Act One and leaves the audience with a cliffhanger: What’s going to happen tomorrow