Drop is arguably the most popular song on The Pharcyde’s second studio album Labcabincalifornia. The production of this album was mainly handled by J. Dilla as opposed to J-Swift who mainly created the sound-scape for their debut album.

J. Dilla sampled The New Style by The Beastie Boys and used the same reverse sample technique that they had accidently come across with Rick Rubin.

The video above was shot by Spike Jonze and featured all four members walking through the streets of Los Angeles backwards, which is then replayed backwards, creating a very unique and unorthodox video.

To make the video convincing, the group hired a professional linguist to teach them their own lyrics backwards so they could perform the song in reverse while shooting the video. They would get closer to the camera when familiar with certain parts of the lyrics. More can be seen in the video of the Drop filming here: