Bellator Halli Rha

Bellator Halli Rha

Zeal & Ardor

This song draws heavily from descriptions of spirits and rituals described in ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’ (Specifically the Mathers/Crowley version) and other Solomonic grimoires.

The title ‘Bellator Halli Rha’ is sourced from the Pentagram of Solomon and other magical imagery found in Ars Goetia (The first book of ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’). These three words, according to Crowley’s interpretation, are a prayer commanding the summoned spirit to appear in human form and speak in the summoner’s native tongue.

In the lyrics, Gagneux describes a ritual to summon Paimon, a Goetic king of Hell loyal to Lucifer. The song references many of Paimon’s traits, as described in the Goetia. Paimon is the 9th spirit listed in the book, His arrival is preceded by a ‘Host of spirits playing trumpets, cymbals and other musical instruments’. This is referred to as ‘fanfare’ in verse two of the song. Paimon bestows gifts of knowledge and dignities (i.e. titles, ranks). The outro lyrics mention the ‘Bornless One’ which is a term borrowed from the preliminary ritual in the Goetia and is exclusive to Crowley’s version of the grimoire, titled The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King.