Imitation of Life

Imitation of Life


Imitation of Life is the 8th song of R.E.M’s album Reveal, and it’s the most popular song of the album. It hit the number 83 in the Billboard Hot 100 list.

The song is inspired in the 1959 Douglas Sirk’s homonymous movie. The movie is about a girl who tries to get success as an actress.

The song talks about how everybody wants the same in life, but everybody pretends they don’t just because they are afraid of what others think. You can’t show other people how you try, you have to hide until you reach success so people don’t think you’re a failure. It has look like you don’t care about anything, because it’s the cool thing.

That’s why the songs says “No one can see you try/no one can see you try”. Those are the things that people who care do. And although most of the people care, most of the peopl alsop pretend they don’t.