Simon Says

Simon Says

NCT 127

NCT 127 breaks boundaries and usual look and style in title song, “Simon Says.”

The song has many meanings projected towards different audiences. With one of the most popular meanings is NCT 127 serving a clap back to haters saying, “you think you know it all,” as sung by the youngest member Haechan.

Another possible interpretation sees the song talking about rebellion in the societal construct of life set by the ones who came before us. Simon Says is a children’s game based on the skills of obedience and cooperation with the upper ‘leader.‘ In this case, the upper leader is society’s expectations and we all play the roles of the ones who need to stay quiet and obedient.

The 10 members of NCT 127 serve as rebels who are considered ‘Real Vibe Killers’ through-out the video; breaking themselves off from the constant societal structure (Simon) and hard-ships one must deal with.

Following their previous title track, “Regular” that talks about earning money and success through hard work and dedication; “Simon Says” delves deep into the questions of finding ones self through the act of breaking conformity with others.