I Don’t Think About You

I Don’t Think About You


I believe this is a very poetic song portraying a person talking to themselves. He’s in denial telling himself that he doesn’t care or think about this person anymore, but in reality all that time he’s trying to spend proving himself wrong, saying that he doesn’t care anymore, he’s actually doing the exact opposite. All his time and energy are still being consumed by this one person. Just in a different way. The song is really kind of portrays a mind over matter theme where if you convince yourself you don’t care then you won’t. Trying to make yourself believe you’re doing better than the other person. But at the end when he says “but i still love you” it’s the ultimate realization that it doesn’t matter who is better off than who, who cares more, or who’s hurting. This type of mentality doesn’t work and eventually you’ll have to come to terms and accept your feelings in order to actually move on. Acceptance, acknowledgement, reflection, and improvement – that’s what makes you a real winner. It’s heartbreaking but a great message, thanks HRVY!