

Julia Jacklin

“This came from a few different places. Probably the only song influenced by current politics. I remember sitting in my mum’s kitchen listening to the radio and they were streaming the Republican Convention when Trump had just been announced as the Republican Presidential candidate. I just remember this feeling of dread even though I didn’t think he would win. I just thought, oh please don’t give people like this a microphone, a platform when there are so many other voices from people that have actually done the work and have important, hopeful, helpful things to say that need to be amplified and listened to.

Well, look how that turned out, hey? Just made me think of all the times I had to listen to some man explain something to me I already knew, or give me advice I didn’t need or assume I didn’t know what I was doing. How so many times the “expert” in the room knows less than the people being forced to listen.“ ” –From a DIY Magazine interview (
