Blue Skies Dandelions

Blue Skies Dandelions


And then on “Blue Skies Dandelions,” that first line refers to “James,” but I didn’t realize it was Comey you were talking about until I read the album bio.

AW: Yeah, no, Chris’ lyrics are very on the nose and direct, but I’m always trying to hide a little bit, make it a little more surreal and obscure? Or maybe more absurd? But anyway, yes I was listening to NPR – and James Comey was on a lot. But I had heard this one thing on Comey’s book tour, where he was talking about, “One strange thing about Donald Trump. I never saw him laugh!” And I thought that was such a funny, specific—it’s not like he’s criticizing his politics, he’s criticizing his weird, creepy personality – like how he wants everybody’s attention, but doesn’t actually understand humor and normal social cues. He’s like stayed in this weird bubble his whole life. He knows how to troll you really well but he doesn’t know how to laugh.